
Born in a small rural village in Malaysia, artistic expressivity has been a part of me since youth. Moving to New York City at the age of 9 amplified my passions to communicate visually through art; it was merely a hobby and interest of mine until high school, when I stumbled upon a course in digital graphics. It was refreshing and drove me to pursue graphic design in college.

After college, I accepted an internship for a men’s designer clothing brand as part of my professional experience. In time I became the sole in-house graphic designer in charge of not only all digital design, but branching out to marketing and website management. Aside from my main job I also worked on several freelance projects creating logos, shooting photography, and building websites.

As of recently, I’m seeking new opportunities as an in-house graphic designer and expanding my horizons in freelancing. If you’re interested in working with me or just have a talk, I’d love to hear from you.